A visionary and ambitious plan to bring together urgent care services under one roof at Tameside and Glossop IC NHS FT is under way.

The plan was awarded £16.3 million as part of the Prime Minister’s capital spend programme for the NHS announced in 2019. With the total value of the project being over £20 million.

The works will allow an extensive reorganisation of the site at Tameside Hospital to provide not only a state of the art emergency and urgent care facility, but also an improved approach to helping people when they are experiencing any sort of crisis - be it physical, mental health or social care related.

Since the current Emergency Department was set up in 1992 there has been a 21 per cent growth in attendance, resulting in overcrowding and patients being nursed and assessed in unsuitable areas.  The current department is constrained by physical space, which means that during peak hours we have no dedicated area to assess or treat our patients.  These plans will change all that.  

Work started in early 2022 and is expected to be completed in Summer 2024.

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Images and videos

August 2023: Our new entrance and waiting area opens, followed by the removal of the modular unit which extended the size of the waiting room during the COVID-19 pandemic

April 2023: The windows of the new A&E waiting area are installed

Steel works are lifted into place at the start of February 2023
Concrete pour begins at the Trust's multimillion pounds Emergency Department redevelopment
Second concrete pour at the Emergency Department redevelopment.