The Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Substance Misuse Specialist Nurse is available to provide support and guidance to paediatric teams, the Emergency Department and other ward staff to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team. This helps to liaise effectively with other agencies and services to ensure that individualised safe packages of care are implemented for vulnerable children and young people admitted to the hospital. If any safeguarding concerns are recognised, information will be shared with the appropriate agencies such as Children’s Social Care and the Integrated Safeguarding Team. The overall aim is to work closely with mental health services to support paediatric and Emergency Department staff to facilitate safe discharge planning, working alongside relevant services to ensure safe and timely follow-up arrangements. The role also helps with education, teaching and advice for all staff within paediatrics and Emergency Department.

Direct referrals are not accepted into this service. Children and young people should be referred to the most appropriate service for them at the time of admission, for example mental health or substance misuse services.

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